
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Zauclophora Turner, 1900

Zauclophora Turner, 1900. New Micro-lepidoptera — mostly from Queensland. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia  24: 6–23 [8].Type species: Zauclophora pelodes Turner, 1900 by monotypy.
Zanclophora Fletcher, 1929 [Cryptophasidae]. A list of generic names used for Microlepidoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India, 11: 1–244 [239] [unjustified emendation of Zauclophora Turner with same type species].
Zauclophora Turner, 1900. Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [89].
Zauclophora Turner, 1900. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 8 May 2010].
Zauclophora Turner, 1900. Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 19 June 2010].

Original description, Turner 1900
Zauclophora, n. g.
Head smooth. Tongue moderate. Antennae moderate, in male shortly bipectinated throughout, basal joint moderate without pecten. Labial palpi very long, recurved ascending, second joint much exceeding base of antennae, terminal joint shorter than second, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, appressed to tongue. Thorax smooth. Abdomen moderate. Anterior and middle tibiae smooth-scaled, posterior tibiae rough-haired.  Forewing with vein 2 from two-thirds, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to hindmargin, 8 to apex, 11 from middle. Hindwings over 1, veins 3 and 4 short-stalked, 5 parallel, 6 and 7 approximated at base.
A development of Lichenaula, from which it is distinguished by the pectinated antennae of the male. From Cryptophaga it differs in the much longer palpi, more slender abdomen, and smoother anterior and middle tibiae.


Immature stages:

Distribution: New South Wales, Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).


Zauclophora pelodes Turner, 1900

♂- NSW, Coraki, 19. Jan. 1958, I.F.B. Common leg. (ANIC). [AMO].

♀ - Qld, Goodna, 14. Nov. 1903 (ANIC). Holotype. [AMO].

Zauclophora pelodes Turner, 1900. New Micro-lepidoptera — mostly from Queensland. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia  24: 6–23 [9]. Holotype ANIC ♂, Brisbane, Qld.
Zanclophora pelodes Turn. [Cryptophasidae]. Fletcher, T. B., 1929, A list of generic names used for Microlepidoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture of India,  11: 1-244 [239].
Xylorycta cirrhodes Turner, 1904. New Australian Lepidoptera, with synonymic notes and other notes. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia  28: 212–247 [244]. Holotype ANIC ♀, Goodna, Qld.
Zauclophora pelodes Turner, 1900. Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [89].
Zauclophora pelodes Turner, 1900. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 8 May 2010].
Zauclophora pelodes Turner, 1900. Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, Turner 1900
Zauclophora pelodes, n. sp.
Male, 23 mm. Head and thorax ochreous-brown. Palpi dark-fuscous; posterior aspect whitish-ochreous. Antennae dark-fuscous. Abdomen reddish-ochreous; apices of segments whitish-ochreous. Legs whitish-ochreous; first two pairs dark-fuscous anteriorly. Forewings elongate, costa, moderately arched, apex rounded, hindmargin slightly rounded, oblique; ochreous-brown, with ill-defined ochreous-whitish markings; an ochreous-whitish suffusion in disc; an outwardly curved line from costa at two-thirds to anal angle; two ochreous-whitish spots at and before apex, separated by a fuscous spot; hindmargin and anal angle irrorated by fuscous scales; cilia ochreous-whitish, irrorated with fuscous. Hindwings fuscous; towards base suffused with ochreous; cilia whitish-ochreous, with a faint fuscous line at apex and at anal angle.
The type is in poor condition, but the species is a very distinct one.
Brisbane, Queensland; one specimen received from Mr. H. Tryon.
Synonymic description, Turner 1904
Xylorycta cirrhodes, n. sp.
(Cirrhodes, yellowish, tawny.)
Female, 32 mm. Head brownish-ochreous; face paler. Palpi ochreous-whitish, mixed with fuscous. Antennae pale fuscous. Thorax brown. Abdomen pale ochreous; with five transverse ferruginous bars. Legs ochreous; anterior and middle pairs somewhat infuscated. Forewings elongate-oblong, costa rather strongly arched in female: whitish-ochreous irrorated with grey: three brownish-ochreous median blotches, first at base, second before, and third after middle; a well marked, whitish-ochreous line from two-thirds costa obliquely outwards, bent in disc, forming a rounded elbow, and ending in three-quarters dorsum; terminal part of disc suffused with brownish-ochreous; cilia pale ochreous. Hindwings and cilia ochreous.
Type in Coll., Turner.
Q., Goodna, near Brisbane, in October. One specimen.

Zauclophora pelodes, ♀, head. K-0757, 16º53'58.84"S 145º33' 48.38"E, 394m, Grievson Rd, off Kennedy Highway, Koah, QLD, collected by D.C.F. Rentz and B. Richardson, 7 November 2012.

Zauclophora pelodes, ♀,  wing venation, K-0801, 16º53'58.84"S 145º33' 48.38"E, 394m, Grievson Rd, off Kennedy Highway, Koah, QLD, collected by D.C.F. Rentz and B. Richardson, 7 November 2012.

Food plants:
Flight period: October, November, January.
Distribution: New South Wales, Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).


Zauclophora procellosa (T.P. Lucas, 1901)

♀ - Qld, Prince Henry Heights, Toowoomba Lat. 27' 33'' S Long.151' 59'' E, 30. Jan. 1983, I.F.B. Common leg. (ANIC). [AMO].

Clerarcha procellosa T.P. Lucas, 1901, Queensland Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 16: 73–95 [85]. Syntype(s) SAMA 8♂♀, May Orchard, Brisbane, Qld.
Zauclophora procellosa (T.P. Lucas, 1901). Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [89].
Xylorycta procellosa T.P. Lucas, 1901. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 8 May 2010].
Zauclophora procellosa (T.P. Lucas, 1901). Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, T.P. Lucas 1901
Clerarcha procellosa, nov. sp.
♂ ♀ 20-28 mm. Head; ferruginous ochreous, in ♀ whitish ochreous. Palpi, ferruginous, terminal joint long, ochreous-fuscous. Antennae, fuscous, finely annulated with ochreous. Thorax, deep ferrous, in some specimens almost white, and with every variation between ferrous and white, as either colour spreads. Abdomen, ochreous fuscous, with fuscous fringe to segments. Forewings, costa rounded, hindmargin gently rounded, light ochreous freely dusted and marked with ferrous diffusions, and ferruginous scales deeper ferrous at their apex, and becoming almost black on hindmargin. Forewings, costa, with fine ferruginous line; a subcostal band of ground colour divides this from a band of ferruginous .which runs parallel from base to 2/3 of wing, and then turns inward to form a suffused cloud, with a like modian [sic] band, originating from itself near the base and enclosing an area of ground colour; at 4/5 of costa a cloudy fascia of ferruginous extends more or less diffusedly round the margin of wing to anal angle; a more diffused cloud of same colour runs along whole length of inner margin, but shows more of ground colour, and with median band encloses a strip of ground colour; a dark ferruginous spot in disc, and second smaller just beyond; a costal, apical and hindmarginal interrupted line of dark spots and lines bound a patch of ground colour continuous with subcostal, and enclosing a short transverse ferruginous fascia which commingles with median fascia. Cilia ochreous, barred irregularly with fuscous. Hindwings, smoky fuscous, shaded to ochreous toward base. Cilia as forewings.
This is a most variable species, according to the depth or sparsity of ground colour. In some specimens the thorax is deep ferrous, in others pure white. In some the ground colour of the wings is white over large patches, and the ferrous colouring in such specimens is more limited. It is only by comparing my full series of eight specimens that the species can be described with anything like accuracy. Unfortunately, Meyrick described C. dryionopa [sic] from a single female, and my specimens, named by himself, do not tally at all well with his description. The species here described is narrower in the forewings than dryionopa [sic] and all the markings are more definite and distinct in pattern. At first I believed there must be two or three species or varieties, but as in any others of this family the variation is extreme with intermediate forms, because of droughts, winds and other causes which interfere with the perfect development of the colouration.
May Orchard, Brisbane.
Food plants:
Flight period: January.
Distribution: Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).

