
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920

Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920. [Oecophoridae] Exotic Microlepidoptera. 2 ( 10–12): 289-320, 321-354, 353-384 [312]. Type species: Zaphanaula xenophila Meyrick, 1920 by monotypy.
Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920 [Oecophoridae]. Fletcher, T. B., 1929, A list of generic names used for Microlepidoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture of India,  11: 1-244 [239].
Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920. Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [89].
Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 8 May 2010].
Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920. Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, Meyrick 1920
Head with appressed scales; ocelli inferior; tongue developed. Antennae 4/5, in ♂ moderately ciliated, basal joint moderate, without pecten. Labial palpi very long, recurved, second joint smooth-scaled, reaching base of antennae, terminal joint as long as second, slender, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform, appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae clothed with long hairs above. Forewings 2 from 4/5, 3 and 4 closely approximated from angle, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to termen, 9 and 10 closely approximated at base, 11 from middle. Hindwings 1, trapezoidal-ovate, cilia 3/5, costa in ♂ with fringe of long hairs anteriorly; 3 and 4 connate or short-stalked, 5-7 nearly parallel, transverse vein inwardly oblique from 6 to 7.
Belongs to Philobota group [Oecophoridae].


Immature stages:

Distribution: New South Wales, Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).



Zaphanaula hemileuca (Turner, 1896)


♀, IM08-2459, Imbil, Queensland.

♂, IM08-2443, Imbil, Queensland.

Oecophora hemileuca (Turner, 1896) [Oecophoridae], Descriptions of Micro-lepidoptera from Queensland. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia  20: 1–34 [31]. Holotype SAMA ♀, Brisbane, Qld.
Peltophora (?) leucoplaca Lower, 1897 [Oecophoridae], Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia  21: 50–60 [53]. Holotype SAMA ♀, Mackay, Qld.
Philobota diffusa Lucas, T.P. 1901 [Oecophoridae], Queensland Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 16: 73–95 [89]. Holotype SAMA ♂, Brisbane, Qld.
Borkhausenia hemileuca, Turn. Turner, 1916, [Oecophoridae], Studies in Australian Microlepidoptera. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW, 41: 333-376 [336].
Zaphanaula xenophila Meyrick, 1920[Oecophoridae], Exotic Microlepidoptera. 2 (10–12): 289-320, 321-354, 353-384 [313]. Holotype BMNH ♂, Toowong, Qld.
Zaphanaula xenophila M. [Oecophoridae]. Fletcher, T. B., 1929, A list of generic names used for Microlepidoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture of India,  11: 1-244 [239].
Antiopala moderata Turner, 1944, [Oecophoridae], Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. Oecophoridae. XI. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 69: 49–61 [51]. Holotype ANIC ♂, Stanthorpe, Qld.
Zaphanaula hemileuca (Turner). Common, 1994. Oecophorine Genera of Australia. I. The Wingia group (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Monogr. Aust. Lepid. 3: i–xvi, 1–390 [1] [152].
Zaphanaula hemileuca (Turner, 1896) comb. n. = leucoplaca (Lower, 1897) (Peltophora), syn. n., = diffusa (T.P. Lucas, 1901) (Philobota), syn. n., = xenophila Meyrick, 1920 (Zaphanaula), syn. n., = moderata (Turner, 1944) (Antiopala), syn. n. Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [89].
Zaphanaula hemileuca (Turner). Common, 2000, Oecophorine Genera of Australia III, The Barea Group and Unplaced Genera (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera,  8, 1-453, [207].
Zaphanaula xenophila Meyrick, 1920. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 5 May 2010].
Zaphanaula hemileuca (Turner). Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, Turner 1896
Oecophora hemileuca, n. sp.
Female, 17 mm. Head and face snow-white. Palpi white; basal half of second joint fuscous. Antennae dark fuscous. Thorax dark fuscous, with a large snow-white posterior spot. Abdomen ochreous-whitish. Legs ochreous-whitish. Forewings elongate, costa almost straight, apex tolerably acute, hindmargin very obliquely rounded; snow-white; a broad fuscous streak from base along costa to one-third; thence proceeds a fuscous fascia, slightly outwardly oblique, to inner margin before middle, its anterior edge sharply defined, posterior edge suffused; a darker dot on fold in posterior edge of this fascia; a broad fuscous fascia from costa near apex, narrowing abruptly to a point at anal angle; between the two fasciae are some obscure fuscous markings in costal portion of disc; a fuscous spot on hindmargin below middle; cilia fuscous, just above anal angle ochreous-whitish. Hindwings grey, basal half whitish-ochreous; cilia, apical third fuscous, remainder whitish-ochreous.
Very distinct. In the absence of the male the generic position of this species cannot be exactly determined. In the specimen examined, which is rather worn, I cannot distinguish any trace of a pecten; further observation will be required to determine whether this is really absent. Brisbane; one specimen taken by Mr. Illidge.

Synonymic description, Lower 1897
Peltophora (?) leucoplaca, n. sp.
Female, 18 mm. Head and palpi snow-white, second joint of palpi infuscated externally, especially towards base. Thorax fuscous, with a large white quadrate spot on posterior half. Antennae and legs whitish, posterior legs ochreous. Abdomen greyish ochreous. Forewings elongate, moderate; costa gently arched, apex round pointed, hindmargin obliquely rounded, brownish ochreous; a large snow-white blotch at base, extending along inner-margin to about one-third, and only separated from costa by a line of ground colour; a suffused erect white triangular spot on inner-margin at anal angle; a similar, but more oblique, one from costa just before apex, nearly touching apex of previous spot; a small suffused, whitish spot on middle of costa; a minute fuscous dot in apical white spot; cilia ochreous-brownish, median third white. Hindwings greyish-ochreous; cilia pale-yellowish; underside of wings more yellowish tinged. In the present species, which is doubtfully referred to Peltophora, veins 3, 4, and 5 of forewings are closely approximated, yet separately at base — a rather unusual character in this group. The hind wings are normal. The antennal pecten is not traceable, having apparently been denuded. One specimen at Mackay, Queensland, in December.

Synonymic description, T.P. Lucas 1901
Philobota diffusa nov. sp.
♂ 17 mm. Head, white. Palpi, white. Antennae, white and fuscons annulated. Thorax fuscous, with collar and dorsal triangle white. Abdomen, light fuscous. Forewings, costa gently rounded, hindmargin nearly straight, creamy white with ferrous and chocolate markings. Forewings with a subcostal line of ferrous from base thinning out at ½ costa; a broad band of ferrous ochreous from middle third of inner margin, anterior border not touching subcostal line, posterior border becoming commingled with a large diffused blotch on costa, and turning sharply on itself angles a narrow bar of ground colour, and diffuses to a broad bar on anal angle along inner margin, which is again suffused in a hindmarginal line to deep blotch at apex of wing; these blotches, or diffusions, are bordered with chocolate, more or less suffused, and which also colours the veins within their area; a hindmarginal row of interrupted chocolate dots. Cilia, creamy white, tipped with fuscous. Hindwings, light fuscous. Cilia, ochreous fuscous. Brisbane.

Synonymic description, Meyrick 1920
Zaphanaula xenophila, n. sp.
♂ ♀. 15-20 mm. Head white. Palpi white, base dark fuscous. Thorax white or whitish-ochreous, anterior half dark fuscous. Abdomen whitish-ochreous. Forewings elongate, costa gently arched, apex obtuse-pointed, termen nearly straight, oblique; ochreous-brown suffusedly irrorated dark fuscous, becoming more or less wholly dark fuscous towards margin of white markings; a white blotch occupying basal third except a dark fuscous costal streak; irregular white spots on costa at middle and 4/5, and a triangular white spot on dorsum before tornus; a slender white sometimes interrupted streak along median portion of termen, and sometimes some slight white marking in disc before this: cilia white, at apex and tornus with ochreous-grey patches and dark fuscous basal shade, between these two dark fuscous subbasal dots and one above apex, beneath tornus ochreous-tinged. Hindwings ♂ whitish-ochreous, subhyaline between veins except towards margins, veins greyish, ♀ grey, darker on veins; cilia pale ochreous-yellowish, paler or whitish towards tips.
Queensland, Brisbane, bred in November from Acacia aulacocarpa (Dodd); seven specimens. Type in Wals. Coll. (18830). Very similar superficially to Monopis icterogastra, but perhaps only by coincidence.

Synonymic description, Turner 1944
Antiopala moderata, n. sp. (moderatus, unassuming.)
♂. 17 mm. Head shining white. Palpi with second joint reaching base of antennae, terminal joint one-half; smooth, slender; white, base of second joint fuscous. Antennae fuscous; ciliations in male 1. Thorax dark fuscous with white anterior and posterior spots, the latter larger. Abdomen whitish-grey; tuft whitish-ochreous. Legs ochreous-whitish; anterior tibiae and tarsi fuscous. Forewings narrow, costa nearly straight, apex pointed, termen very oblique; white; markings light fuscous ochreous-tinged; a costal line from base to one-third; two parallel oblique lines at one-third and two-thirds; some irroration in disc; an irregular terminal suffusion ; cilia white, on apex and tornus fuscous. Hindwings and cilia whitish. Place this after A. anomodes Meyr. [Zacorus anomodes, (Meyrick, 1899), Oecophoridae].
Queensland: Stanthorpe in January; one specimen received ftom Mr. W. B. Barnard.

Other references

Oecophora hemileuca Turn., Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., 1896, p.31.
Q.: Brisbane I have not been able to re-examine this species, as I possess no example. (Turner, 1917).

To the nine species Meyrick included in Euphiltra, Turner (1946) added hemileuca Turner and phanerozona Turner; I refer hemileuca to Zaphanaula Meyrick (comb. n.), (Xyloryctinae) and phanerozona to Eulechria Meyrick (comb. n.). (Common, 1994).

Turner (1944a) included a further four new species in Antiopala: moderata, a junior subjective synonym of Zaphanaula hemileuca (Turner) in the Xyloryctinae (Common, 1994, p. 89); (Common, 2000).

Zaphanaula hemileuca, ♀ head, IM082459, 17 October 2008, Imbil Queensland.

Zaphanaula hemileuca, ♂ wing venation

Zaphanaula hemileuca, ♂ genitalia, IM08-2973, 30 December 2008, Imbil, Queensland. Microscopy courtesy of CSIRO, Canberra. In this specimen the gnathos is unfortunately folded over the base of the uncus.

Zaphanaula hemileuca, aedeagus (not to scale), IM08-2973, 30 December 2008, Imbil, Queensland.

Uncus deeply divided dorsally into two lobes, fusing apically into a curved, downturned, tapering point, strongly sclerotised at apex. Gnathos with two arms joined at apex, fused to uncus, produced anteriorly to form an upturned, round-pointed beak; strongly sclerotised at apex. Tegumen broad, gently arched; weakly sclerotised. Vinculum with slightly sclerotised margins. Saccus pointed. Juxta v-shaped. Costa of valva gently concave, thickened towards proximal end; longer sparse setae on proximal 2/3 beyond costal process; very finely setose on apex. Costal process of valva upturned, rounded. Valva long, upturned, apparently dilate towards apex; apex rounded; lower margin of supravalva convex, thickened margin between supravalva and basis valvae. Sacculus base ovate, rounded; tapering towards an indistinct apex. Lower  saccular margin curved towards base; moderately sinuate towards apical end. Claspers short, triangular, obtusely rounded at apex. Anellus short, ovate, rounded. Aedeagus short, broad, vesica apically sclerotised.

Food plants: Larval foodplant: Acacia aulacocarpa (Mimosaceae). (Edwards, 2003).
Flight period: October, November, December, January, March.
Distribution: Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).
Similar species: The Wool Moth, Monopis icterogastra (Zeller, 1852), Tineidae.

Monopis icterogastra, Imbil, Queensland.

