
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cryptophasa hemipsila

Cryptophasa hemipsila, Turner, 1901

= Cryptophasa hyalinopa (Lower, 1901), male

Cryptophasa hemipsila, Turner, 1901, The Entomologist, 1901, v. 34 [209]. Nomen nudum.
Cryptophasa hemispila, [sic] Turner, [MS?] Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 15 April 2010].

Other references

Entomological Society of London.—June 5th, 1901.
Dr. A. Jefferis Turner exhibited specimens of Australian wood-boring Lepidoptera belonging to four different families. They included— Pyralidae : Doddiana xylorictis, Turn. Gelechidae: Cryptophasa flavolineata and C. hemipsila, Turn., Maroga mythica, Meyr., M. setiotricha, Meyr., Uzucha borealis, Turn. Cossidae : Dudgeona actinias, Turn., Xyleutes pulchra, Roths., X. macleayei, X. nephocosma. Turn. Hepialidae: Charagia mirabilis. Roths., C. ramsayi, Scott, and C. cyanochlora, Lower.— H. Rowland-Brown, Hon. Sec.