
Friday, July 30, 2010


Hylypnes Turner, 1898

Hylypnes Turner, 1898, The Xyloryctidae of Queensland. Annals of the Queensland Museum 4: 1–32 [5]. Type species: Crypsicharis pudica Lower, 1896 by monotypy.
Hylypnes Turner 1897, junior subjective synonym of Odites, Walsingham 1891 [Cryptophasidae]. Fletcher, 1929, A list of generic names used for Microlepidoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture of India,  11: 1-244 [113, 151].
Hylypnes Turner, 1898. Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [87].
Hylypnes Turner 1897,  junior subjective synonym of Odites Walsingham 1891 =. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 22 April 2010].
Hylypnes Turner, 1897. B. Pitkin and P. Jenkins, Butterflies and Moths of the World: Generic Names and their Type-species, 2004. World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 22 April 2010]
Hylypnes Turner, 1897. Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, Turner, 1898
Head with appressed hairs; ocelli absent; tongue well developed. Antennae moderate, in male filiform, with very long ciliations (5), basal joint rather stout, without pecten. Labial palpi long, recurved, second joint with appressed scales, terminal joint nearly as long as second, smooth, acute. Maxillary palpi very short. Thorax smooth. Abdomen moderate. Posterior tibiae rough-haired above and beneath. Forewings with vein 1 long-furcate towards base. 2 from 5/6, 3 from angle, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to hind margin, 11 from middle. Hindwings 1, towards base below median and inner margin densely clothed with long hairs, 3 and 4 stalked, 5 approximated to 4 at base, tolerably parallel, 6 and 7 stalked, 8 connected with cell at a point near base. 
Distinguished from Xylorycta by the very long antennal ciliations.


Immature stages:

Distribution: New South Wales, Queensland. (Edwards, 2003).

Remarks: Odites Walsingham is now generally seen as a member of the Lecithoceridae.


Hylypnes isosticha (Meyrick, 1915)

Hylypnes isosticha, ♀, holotype. Photograph by Patrick Strutzenberger, ©BMNH.

Odites isosticha Meyrick, 1915, Exotic Microlepidoptera. 1 (10–15): 289–320, 321–352, 353–384, 385–416, 417–448, 449–480 [381]. Holotype BMNH ♀, Cooktown, Qld.
Hylypnes isosticha (Meyrick, 1915) comb. n. Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [87].
Odites isosticha Meyrick, 1915. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 22 April 2010].
Hylypnes isosticha (Meyrick, 1915). Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, Meyrick 1915
Odites isosticha, n. sp.
♀. 22 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax whitish- ochreous. Abdomen ochreous-whitish. Forewings elongate, posteriorly rather dilated, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen rounded, little oblique; whitish-ochreous; a small oblique fuscous mark on base of costa; stigmata small, dark fuscous, plical obliquely beyond first discal; a very strongly curved subterminal series of cloudy dark fuscous dots from beneath costa beyond middle to above dorsum beyond middle; a series of dark fuscous dots round posterior part of costa and termen: cilia ochreous-whitish. Hind-wings and cilia whitish.
Queensland, Cooktown; one specimen. 

Food plants:
Flight period:
Distribution: Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).


Hylypnes leptosticta (Turner, 1947)

♂, ANIC Holotype

♂, ANIC Syntype

Cryptolechia leptosticta Turner, 1947 [Oecophoridae], Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. Oecophoridae. XIV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 72: 143–158 [158]. Syntype(s) ANIC 3♂♀, Cooktown, Kuranda and Lake Barrine, Qld.
Hylypnes leptosticta (Turner, 1947). Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [87].
Cryptolechia leptosticta Turner, 1947 [Oecophoridae, Oecophorinae]. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 22 April 2010].
Hylypnes leptosticta (Turner, 1947). Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, Turner 1947
Cryptolechia leptosticta, n. sp. (λεπτοστικτος, with fine dots.)
♂,♀. 18-20 mm. Head, thorax, palpi, and antennae whitish-ochreous. Antennae whitish. Legs whitish; anterior femora and flexor surface of tibiae fuscous. Forewings suboblong, costa gently arched, apex rectangular, termen slightly rounded, slightly oblique; ochreous-whitish with fine fuscous dots; a dot on base of fold; first discal at one-fourth, plical beyond it, sometimes two dots on end of cell; a subcostal series of dots beyond middle, recurved before apex to end above mid-dorsum; a series of dots on termen and apical part of costa; cilia whitish. Hindwings broadly ovate; whitish, cilia whitish.
North Queensland: Cooktown in April; Kuranda in November; Lake Barrine, Atherton Tableland, in September; three specimens.

Food plants:
Flight period:
Distribution: Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).


Hylypnes pudica (Lower, 1896)




Crypsicharis pudica Lower, 1896 [Oecophoridae], New Australian Lepidoptera. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia  20: 152–170 [164]. Syntype(s) SAMA 4♂♀, Brisbane, Qld.
Hylypnes pudica Lower. Turner, 1898. The Xyloryctidae of Queensland. Ann. Qd Mus. 4: 1–32 [15].
Odites pudica Low. Philpott, 1927: The Maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Vol. 57, 721-745 [735].
Odites pudica Lower [Cryptophasidae]. Fletcher, T. B., 1929, A list of generic names used for Microlepidoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture of India,  11: 1-244 [113].
Hylypnes pudica (Lower, 1896). Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [87].
Odites pudica Lower, 1896. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 22 April 2010].
Hylypnes pudica (Lower, 1896). Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 17 June 2010].

Original description, Lower 1896
Crypsicharis pudica, n. sp.
Male, 20 mm.; Female, 22 mm. Head, thorax, palpi, antennae, legs and abdomen creamy-white; second joint of palpi externally fuscous; antennal ciliations of male 3; anterior and middle legs more or less infuscated. Forewings moderate; costa gently arched, apex obtuse; hindmargin obliquely rounded; vein 7 to hindmargin, creamy-white, extreme costal edge fuscous towards base (faintly perceptible), a small black dot in middle of wing at one-third; a second obliquely beyond on fold, and a third above second; a series of fuscous dots from beneath costa at two-thirds; curved round hindmargin to inner margin before anal angle; cilia white. Hindwings and cilia white; veins 6 and 7 stalked. Not unlike a faded specimen of some species of Hoplitica (Oecophoridae), especially sobriella, Walk.
Four specimens beaten from Eugenia at “Kedron Book,” Brisbane, Queensland, in January. The species under notice may ultimately require a new genus to receive it, as the neuration of the hindwings is not in perfect accord with Crypsicharis, but as intermediate forms may be discovered in the future I consider it advisable to refrain from forming a new genus at present.
Subsequent description, Turner 1898
Hylypnes pudica, Lower. (Crypsicharis pudica, Lower, Proc. Roy. Soc. S.A. 1896, 164.) Male, 16-19 mm. Female, 20-23 mm. Antennal ciliations in male, 5. The sexes differ in shape of forewing. In male apex is obtuse and hind margin rounded; in female apex acute and hindmargin slightly sinuate.
Brisbane; commonly taken among tropical forest growth.

Other references

Labial palpi 4-segmented. (Philpott, 1927).

Food plants:
Flight period: New South Wales, Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).
