
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Xylorycta haplochroa

Xylorycta haplochroa (Turner, 1898)

Xylorycta haplochroa, ♀, QM

Xylorycta haplochroa, ♂, QM

Xylorycta haplochroa, ♀, IM2831, 20 December 2008, Imbil, Queensland.

Xylorycta haplochroa, ♂, IM08-2865, 23 December 2008,Imbil, Queensland.

Lichenaula haplochroa Turner, 1898, The Xyloryctidae of Queensland. Annals of the Queensland Museum 4: 1–32 [18]. Syntype(s) ANIC 4♂♀, Brisbane, Qld.
Lichenaula umbrosa T.P. Lucas, 1900. New Species of Queensland Lepidoptera. Proc. R. Soc. Qld. 15: 137-161. Syntype(s) SAMA 2♂♀, May Orchard, Brisbane, Qld.
Xylorycta haplochroa (Turner, 1898). Common, in Nielsen, Edwards, & Rangsi, 1996, Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, 4: i-xiv, 1-529 & CD-ROM [89].
Xylorycta haplochroa (Turner, 1898). Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 5 May 2010].
Xylorycta umbrosa (T.P. Lucas, 1900). Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [accessed 5 May 2010]. [Synonymy not noted].
Xylorycta haplochroa (Turner, 1898). Edwards, E. D. (2003), Xyloryctinae. Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [accessed 19 June 2010]

Original description, Turner 1898
Lichenaula haplochroa, n. sp. Male, 22-25 mm. Female, 31 mm. Forewings with vein 7 to hindmargin. Head and face grey. Palpi whitish, terminal joint pale fuscous. Antennae grey, ciliations in male, 1 ½. Thorax grey. Abdomen ochreous-whitish. Legs whitish; anterior pair slightly infuscated. Forewings narrow-oblong,  costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, hindmargin very oblique, scarcely rounded; whitish sparsely irrorated with grey scales; below fold grey; a grey. dot on fold below middle, and a single or double dot in  disc at 2/3, sometimes obsolete; cilia grey. Hindwings and cilia grey-whitish.
Brisbane: four specimens.
Synonymic description, T.P. Lucas, 1900
Lichenaula umbrosa nov. sp.
♂ ♀ 26-28 mm. Head black, face grey. Palpi and antennae black, inclining in strong light, to iron grey. Thorax black or iron grey. Abdomen fuscous drab, with faint ferrous lines across base of anterior segments. Forewings elongate, costa rounded, hindmargin gently rounded, iron grey, with diffusion of whitish grey toward costa, and diffusion of black and iron grey toward inner margin, freely dusted all over with minute black scales. Forewings with costal edge bordered with fine black line from base to 1/8, thence with white changing to grey towards apex. Cilia fuscous drab. Hindwings light fuscous drab. Cilia as forewings. One pair May Orchard, Brisbane. Allied to L. haplochroa, Turner, but a much darker insect, and the black head, &c., readily distinguish it. The shading from grey to whitish grey and white toward costa and to black and iron grey toward inner margin is most perfect.
Xylorycta haplochroa, ♀ head, IM08-2926, 26 December 2008, Imbil, Queensland.

Xylorycta haplochroa, ♂ wing venation.

Xylorycta haplochroa, ♂ genitalia, IM07-1145, 25 December 2008, Imbil, Queensland.

Xylorycta haplochroa, aedeagus, IM07-1145, 25 December 2008, Imbil, Queensland.

Food plants:
Flight period: November, December.
Distribution: New South Wales, Queensland. Endemic. (Edwards, 2003).
